
Are you interested in an exciting and rewarding career in social care? 

Application Part 2

Applicants being considered for interview will be asked to complete part 2 of our application form.  Part 2 provides us with information relating to your employment history and will give the interview panel an opportunity to learn more about you. 

Part 2 must be completed and returned by the date requested, and certainly before the date of interview.

If you are selected for interview please read your interview instructions carefully.  Ensure you arrive at the correct venue, at the time scheduled and that you bring the paperwork we have requested.

If you have any questions about the interview, please get in touch and we will be happy to help.  You can read our privacy notice on our website.


* Denotes required field.

Personal Details

Current / Most Recent Employer


As one reference must be your current/most recent employer, if you have been in employment, please provide us with the reference details:

Previous Employer(s)


Other Relevant Information


Please provide us with a further 2 references

If you have never been employed, but have been in full time education we will accept two academic referees and one character reference in place of employer. Where you have worked in a position similar to the one you are applying for, you should provide details of your line manager from this employment.

If you have never been employed, or never been in full-time education, we will seek three character references.

Character references should be from individuals who have known you in a professional capacity, (for example, employer, doctor, lecturer/teacher, minister/priest etc.). Character references from relatives or friends are not acceptable.

Please indicate if we may contact your referees prior to interview/ Please note that before an offer of work/employment can be made, we must be in receipt of 3 satisfactory references.



Rehabilitation of Offenders – Declaration Form

Declaration: (please circle the appropriate answer)

If you have answered YES to any of the above, please supply the following details

  • I have not withheld any information that may affect my application to work with Aspire.
  • I understand that by withholding information or false information may lead to disciplinary action taken against me up to and including dismissal
  • I consent to the information which I have provided being used by Aspire in the processing of my application to work with Aspire.
  • I will inform Aspire of any actual or pending convictions which take place during the application process after PVG Forms have been completed and I understand that it may affect the outcome of my application to work with Aspire.

Please refer to the Aspire Policy on Recruitment of Ex-Offenders. This is available upon request from Aspire HR Department.

Note: Having a criminal record will not necessarily debar you from working with Aspire. This will depend on the nature of the position, together with the circumstances and background of your offences or other information contained on a PVG certificate or provided directly to us by a police authority.

Please refer to the Aspire Policy on the Secure Handling, Use, Storage and Retention of Disclosure Information. This is available on upon request from Aspire HR Department